


To my space on the internet web-of-life. I am Samara: shamanic practitioner, animist, teacher, coach, nature connection facilitator, forest school leader and prehistorian.

My offerings include shamanic healing, eco-therapy, mentoring and apprenticeships for individuals. Shamanic tours to ancient landscapes to connect with the indigenous & ancient people from the land of Britain, and a variety of courses and events, including short courses plus the year long courses practicing animism and the online course in shamanic journeying.

To navigate this site, hover over highlighted words and click on images to head to different pages or click on the top right corner for the menu. To return home, click on the header “Rewilding The Soul”, in the top left corner.

Scroll down to listen to a recent podcast interview, read about the roots of my shamanic and animist practice, elements of my personal story, and testimonies from the community.. plus see some recent posts from my Instagram account. Also, check out my blog page for lots more info.

If you are still curious, send me an email at samara@rewildingthesoul.org or book a free half hour chat

Interview with Samara

Click on the image to listen to episode 15 of the Love Exposure podcast. Talking about complex issues spanning colonialism, belonging, shamanism, nature connection, young people and more!


Click on the image for more info about the kind of shamanism I practice

My Story

Click on the image to read about my personal journey…


Click on the image to read comments from the mycelial network of people connected to Rewilding the Soul

Below are some recent clickable posts from my Instagram account.

The photos on this site were taken by Ben Taylor, Yana Fay Dzedze, Jesse Wild and Mik Alban or bought from Dreamstime.