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Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

Shamanism is the practice of walking within the different realms of the spirit world, working alongside spirit guides, seeing into the depths of time and bringing healing, guidance and balance to the web of life.

Although Shamanism is a modern term, the techniques it defines have been practiced by people all over the world for thousands of years, arguably since we first emerged as a species. The shaman has been known by different names in different cultures, including medicine wo/man, witch, healer, seer, among many others. They have been an important part of communities for thousands of years until the modern age and remain so in many indigenous communities today.

In my practice I work with ancient, prehistoric, spirits of the land of Britain and through this I am beginning to revive an indigenous shamanism of this land. Its my life’s work and I am always learning.

Shamanic healing is incredibly powerful. It works on a soul level, aiming to bring you fully into your body, to recover from trauma and live a more empowered and authentic life, bringing you back into alignment with your soul purpose.

There is no “fix all” method. Every person is unique with a unique life-story and experience and, as such, everybody’s experience of shamanic healing is different. Most people see me for several sessions or long term, working through a variety of issues such as dissociation, negative patterns, addictions or ancestral trauma.

Importantly shamanic healing can only heal what wants to heal, so the main work happens between sessions as you integrate and practice the methods that I teach you to assist with the healing process. Many clients choose to attend my courses and groups to deepen their learning of these shamanic healing methods. I am also available to offer ongoing support via monthly online mentoring.

You can come to see me for shamanic healing either in person or online. I live in South Devon but also see clients in person in Bath on occasion and often at a festival or two during the summer months (mainly Buddhafield). You may prefer to meet with me first online (via zoom) to begin the process of shamanic healing and we can continue on this basis if meeting in person is unpractical. It’s not essential to meet in person to embark upon a shamanic healing journey but it is more powerful in person, so wherever possible I would advise trying to make that journey to see me, particularly if you wish to work with me long term.

Shamanic Healing Techniques

Click on the image for info about what to expect from a shamanic healing & some of the techniques that I use.

To Book

Click on the image to see what I offer, and for details about price & my availability