New moon March 10th 2024

Aligning with Earth’s cycles

Bringing awareness to the passage of the moon and sun helps to bring our awareness to the energies which influence the Earth, in turn which move within us very deeply, as we are Earth’s children.

As we learn to live in alignment with Earth’s energies, we reconnect more deeply with nature, with our physical bodies and, as our nervous systems relax, we can find the dramas of our lives somewhat easier to bear.

 Spring tides

This month will see the Spring Equinox, that time of balance in the year when the day and night are of equal length. Living near the coast, I am reminded that the Spring Equinox has a strong impact on the sea, especially at the new and full moons.

Both the sun and the moon influence the movement of water in the seas, resulting in regular high and low tides. As the moon is closer to Earth than the sun, most of the tidal changes we experience come from the moon. However, when the sun influences the tides too, they can have a profound impact.

On the new moon this year, the low and high tides in the UK are forecast to be the strongest they have been for 6 years. The reasons for this are complicated and local weather conditions can provide additional changes but essentially the sun, which is approaching the Equinox, has an impact on the gravitational pull on the Earth, alongside the moon.

The energy of water

Early March is astrologically ruled by Pisces, symbolised by the fish and embodying the element of water. The new moon on March 10th also rises in Pisces, traditionally impacting the energies on Earth for a whole lunar cycle.

As we approach the Spring Equinox this year, there’s a lot of water about. Indeed, as I write, the endless rain we have had for months continues to fall heavily.

March is usually the season when we dust off, blink to open our eyes and come out of our winter cave. New shoots are finding their way up through the soil and songbirds are increasingly active, pairing up and building their nests.

Over the last few years March has often been warm, bringing a strong and vibrant energy. This year is different. It’s cold and wet and the energy is low and insular.


Many people in our modern world live strongly in their minds to such an extent that they struggle to feel their bodies. Yet it is through our bodies that we connect with each-other and with the wider planet.

If we allow ourselves to feel what’s moving inside us, coming from a perspective where emotions are connected with our bodies – what is moving in us and how is this connected to how other beings on the Earth feel?

The energy of water is connected with our emotional body. Right now, across the planet, the huge bodies of water that make up the seas are stirring more than usual. We can feel this deeply within ourselves. So, what is stirring within you emotionally just now?

When I tune into the web-of-life, that which we are all connected to in spirit as well as in the physical, I feel a surge of emotion, ranging on an axis between grief and anger.

War rages in different parts of the world and we can feel this within us, feel it in the Earth. When violence happens, particularly that which is extreme and unjust, we feel it. It rips apart the fabric of the web-of-life. All beings feel it.

Violence is a necessary part of being alive; all animals know this. But intention is everything and there is much extreme and unjust violence on the Earth these days, impacting both human, animal, plant and mineral. As the Amazon is cut down, the sea-beds trawled and people massacred, all beings on Earth feel it.

Feeling emotion is necessary. It helps us to process our experiences through life and, if we allow ourselves to let the feelings move through us, we grow wiser and stronger. When we don’t allow ourselves to feel, emotion becomes buried deep within us and turns to shadow.

It is shadow and disconnection from feeling which is helping to create the human-led extreme and unjust violence that we are experiencing on the planet. We have a choice in this.

As I feel into the surge of emotion in the web-of-life and see the effects of it manifesting physically on the Earth as heavy rain and extreme tides, it feels like we are being given a strong message. We need to feel our emotions and, in particular, we need to feel our grief. That feels like the message this month.


We are born of the stars and the stars have stories. In the ancient past people sought to understand and interpret the energy of the stars by creating stories and symbols of their own. There is much in astrology that mystifies me, but the ancients understood the energy of the stars well.

That we have a new moon in Pisces at this time is no surprise as the energy of Pisces is everywhere. The energy mirrors that of the source, where we all come from and all return to. Pisces brings messages from spirit, brings our awareness to our own spirituality and connects us with the wider web-of-life.

The energy of Pisces invites us to merge with source and connect with all beings from the heart. It’s the perfect energy to help us feel our emotions and how they are connected to what is moving throughout the world.

It’s the perfect pause or reset button for our busy world where we are so often lost in our minds. The invitation now is to stop and feel what’s going on inside, not just for you but for all beings in this world. What can you feel? And, letting the feelings move through you, what wisdom comes from the deep?

I could write about how you can work with Piscean energy in your own lives to benefit or harmonise with your own concerns. However, that isn’t what this time is about. We are all one being striving to live together and something has gone awry that needs looking at. We can work with the energies of this month to truly understand that.

The changes of the season and the cycles of the moon combine what we call the Wheel of the Year. In this time, we are heading towards the forward moving intense energy of spring, which will come fast and with it the astrological sign of Aries. It’s hard to stop this pulsing creative energy.

This quieter time of Pisces gives us the opportunity to make sure that we are conscious of the energy of Aries, conscious of what we are being pulled towards, by making us deeply aware of our emotions and that of others.

Working with the energy of Pisces this month, we can align our plans and projects for the year for the benefit of everyone. We can move away from ego and ensure that our plans serve a higher purpose. The full moon in Libra just after the Equinox will add more balance to the energy whilst maintaining the focus on serving source and gaining justice.

Take away

The message this month, which is coming strong with the energy of water and Pisces, is to feel our deepest emotions, feel the impact we have on all other beings and feel their emotions. We are being asked to feel and process and then act on what arises. As Aries comes next month, we are being asked to work with that firey energy to bring positive changes to the lives of all beings.

This new moon invites your heart to open and see the bigger picture. To connect everything together, all the synchronicity, and see the divine in all life and in the messages that come.

Pisces invites us to tap into the energy of the source, to connect with our spirituality  and to feel unity with all creatures on this Earth. To find forgiveness for others, even if we don’t understand their actions.

Pisces is a peace maker. It’s watery energy is a healing force for good. The energy is here to help us bring much needed peace to all beings.. I hope and pray that it has a wide and lasting impact.

Love Samara

Samara Lewis