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Meet the Ancestors

 The crème de la crème of Dreaming Ancient Landscapes. Look back to the world of the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic; a time of the cusp of early farming communities and incredible societal change, when seasonal movement and hunting and gathering food were still practiced. A time when Britain was still covered in wildwood and scrub; before the first large scale clearing of the trees took place and before the first permanent structures were built.

Into this world, people came from the south and the east of Europe, with new practices; of domestication and settling down and ideas involving stone and the ancestors. This is the time of the first monuments in this country; of long barrows and strange circular banks and ditches known as causewayed enclosures. These were both monuments of the dead and also of the living.

All but lost to us through the fog of time, it is possible to connect with the shamanic traditions of this land via journeying and via experiencing & communicating with the ancestors themselves at the monuments they have left behind.

Dreaming ancient landscapes

Click on the image for more information on the wider project.

Upcoming dates

November 2nd & 3rd 2024, From Bath in Somerset into Wiltshire & beyond.

This weekend starts at Under Westwood, nestled beneath Solsbury Hill in Bath and ventures out to visit a series of monuments in Wiltshire. We dive into the archaeology and visit the world of the Mesolithic and early Neolithic communities via shamanic journeying. At the monuments themselves we meet with spirits remaining there and get a sense of the spiritual heritage of the land.

This weekend is non-residential. The timing of each day will vary depending on driving but we will start at 9.30am and return to Bath in the late afternoon. The cost of the weekend is £250, including lunch on both days and transport to and from the monuments we will visit.

Experience of shamanic journeying is essential and if you have attended any of my courses or groups it should be suitable but please do email if you’re unsure -


Click on the image to book a place